What Is An Online Business? Can I Start It? How Much Time I Need To Allot And How Is It Different Than Any Other Business?

Hey Friend,

Today I am going to share a question from Priya and she writes;
“I am interested to know about an online business.
But what exactly is an online business?
Can I start it? How much time I need to allot and how it’s different than any other business?”

Hushh!!! Girl, its’s not a question but it’s a rapid fire. Kidding.
Yes Priya, I am going to answer all your questions right here.
Thank you so much for asking “All of them” :-)

It’s going to be little lengthy mail but once you finish reading you will not have any questions regarding online business.
Let’s get started.

Let’s first understand what an online business is?

Many of the times, we confuse online business with earn money fast type of scams. They are in different forms; data entry, opening emails, writing reviews, some kind of copy paste and many more.

Think honestly, will you call it ‘Your Own Business’ if you are planning to do any of the above activities?
Obviously No

On the other hand, you are helping someone else to build their business.
This is not even a job, because there is uncertainty whether they will really pay you. Unfortunately in most of the cases they don’t! 
You are not on any payroll.
That’s the reason I called it scam.

These ads are common on Facebook, websites and many other social media platforms. Sometimes in form of small write ups, sometimes asking phone numbers or sometimes polished design with big promises.

Have you ever seen those local train ads which say, “No education, No Experience, No long working hours but earn 100000 daily.”

How you feel?
I feel exactly the same when I see these online business ads.
They are making the online world uncomfortable and confusing.
Unless you are not extremely desperate, my suggestion stay away from such scamy posts.

Here is next one.
Do I provide any such kind of work?
Heck, No I don’t provide anyone any kind of work.
But, I help aspiring woman entrepreneurs to start & grow their Online Business.

Now let me give you a simple definition of online business.

If you are selling your product or service online that is using internet.
It’s called online business or an e-business.
Simple. right?

Here are some examples.

If you are selling your chocolates on eBay, you have an online business.

If you are a nutritionist and offering your diet advice using your own website it’s an online business.

If you write blogs then you can convert that as your online business.

To sell your lovely handmade jewellery you normally participate in exhibitions but also you promote them through social media you have an online business.

If you are a member of any business group on Facebook and you are selling your dress materials. It’s an online business.

I am referring to Building a Real Business of Your Own.
It will not only generate money for you but will help you to fulfil your dreams.

Precisely it’s going to be your product/service, your company, your business.
It’s your game and your rules.
And the only winner, that’s ‘You’.

Let’s move ahead to next question.
Can I start my online business? What is required in order to do so?

Here is the answer
Anyone on the earth can start online business only if you qualify the following two criteria.

Here is Criteria number one.
You should be ready to work hard.

If someone has told you, for an online business you need no money, less work, less time, lot of sell and huge profits.
They are lying because it is just not true.

There are definitely advantages of online business which we will talk soon.

But one thing is certain you really need to work hard and need a lot of patience in order to have success in your online business.

In fact that is applicable to any kind of business on earth.

So how many hours I need to work?
It depends completely on you.
How big you want your business to be and how fast you want to reach there.

Here is criteria number two.

You need an internet connection.
And guess what? You already qualified this criterion since you are reading online.

Here comes the next one:
I realize I can start my online business.
But is it really good idea? What are the benefits of an online business?
Why shouldn’t I open a shop instead?

There are many advantages but here are four big ones.

Work Hour Flexibility
If your business demands 6 hrs a day, then it need not be 11 to 5 schedule.
You can work 2 hrs in the morning before kids wake up, 2 hrs in the afternoon when they go to school and 2 hrs at night when they sleep.

The point here is you can plan your own schedule the way you want.
This is real blessing for us women who are multitasking all the time.
The good news is we can have enough time with our kids and family.

You Are the Boss
If you work more you will earn more.
You have to set targets, you have to plan, you have to execute.
But one important thing, if you are not disciplined this can be little difficult.
If you go on an unplanned vacation, your business will also go on vacation.

No Commutation
You don’t have to catch 7:30 local train to reach on time.
Don’t have to run to swipe your card or sign a register.
You don’t have to rush to open that shop at 9:30 am and close it at 11 pm.
You can happily work from your favourite coffee shop and sip your hot chocolate. 
How cool is that?

Very Low investment
Yes, you can start with zero money investment literally.
But as you grow, you need low investment, primarily to buy your domain and build your website. And trust me; it is far lesser than opening a shop.

Yes this all sounds cool.
But remember hard work and patience are the keys.
At the initial stages you need to be a lot more disciplined and responsible.

It’s the correct time to answer something very important.

If it’s my dream, my company, my plan and I need to work hard, then where you come in picture? Why I need you?

Very True! Off course you can do it all by yourself.

Now just think for a moment.
If you want your house to be renewed, what you do?
Pick that hammer and hit those walls, do you?
Off course not!
You are smart enough to know, there are better ways to do it.

You call interior designers get the designs.
Work on your budget.
Then get it done by the needed workers like carpenter, meson, electrician or plumber.

So how it’s applicable here?

I am going to be your interior designer, I mean mentor.
I am going to provide you the tested framework and well proven strategies to build and grow your own business.

The workers in this case are web designer, programmers, content writers, and marketing people or if you need your personal assistant.
It all depends on your budget and who you need.

At the initial stages if you wish you can do it all or with very minimum help.
I always suggest it! Lean Startup!

Let’s land this plane here!
I believe in you. You can do this.  
I believe in your dream to create your own business that’s both profitable and fulfilling.
Trust yourself.
You have everything you need, so don’t give up and don’t quit.

I’ll be cheering you on and hope that you’ll keep in touch as things progress with your new and soon to be successful business.

With all my love and best wishes

Take Care,
Stay Tuned,

Sheetal Mulay 

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