One Big Problem That is Holding You Back and Yes There Is a Cure

Hey Friend,

Here is a quick question.
Why haven’t you started your online business yet?
Don’t you know it’s very much possible to create a profitable and fulfilling online business?
Off course you do! That’s why you are reading this article. Correct?
Then what’s holding you back?

One Big Problem That is Holding You Back and Yes There Is a Cure

Let me guess;
You don’t know which business to start
I perfectly understand how it feels.

When you know, you are different. You are born to make a difference in the world and earn tons of money as well but you’re not able to move ahead because you’re not clear.
“I want my own business desperately but don’t know what that business would be?”
Sounds familiar?

An Emergency Alert here!
This situation is devastating.

If it continues for longer time, it can lead to frustration, insecurity, and lot of wasted time, talent and money. And the Worst is, it may permanently forbids you from fulfilling your dreams

Don’t get disheartened girl, there is a cure!
At initial stages, we lack clarity.
That holds true for everyone.
Starting a business sounds scary, painful and terrifying at times.

In my first year of business, I was scared and confused.
Like all aspiring entrepreneurs, I was playing a hunting game called “Find my Passion”.
I was too much obsessed with finding my strengths, my dreams, my profits and my business. It was all about ‘I, Me and Myself’.

When we are starting up, we had been asked to do some sort of self-assessments all the time.

Read any inspirational book, audios, videos, seminars, workshops. All of them shout one thing; Find your Passion before you start your business.

But it’s not completely true.
In fact it is 50% of the truth.
And we keep on struggling to discover the remaining part of it all the time.

It’s horrifying.
I consider myself lucky to receive a simple piece of advice at the correct time.
That advice truly changed my thinking about entrepreneurship.

That was the exact missing part I was looking for.
And today I am going to share my little secret with you.

That advice was…
A successful business is simply a solution to somebody's pain or problem.
That's it!

It made everything much less complicated and overwhelming.
Well, if a business is simply a solution, then as an entrepreneur, you simply need to solve that piece of puzzle and your earnings become a by-product of how well you solve it; how well you serve your audience.

Take that with you for ever. No matter how complicated things get, all you need to do is solve a problem; help your customers.

Let me simplify it further,

Your Business = What Problem You Solve By Using Your Strengths?

For now, however, I'd love to hear from you.

Tell me, what is your strength and which problem you would love to solve or currently you are solving?

Leave a comment below.

I look forward to hearing from you soon and help you to start and grow your online business.

Stay Tuned.
Take Care
Sheetal Mulay

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