5 Effective Ways To Overcome Social Media Overwhelm!

We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it.
True! Do you have days where you feel you can't keep up with all the social media activities?
You don’t want to update Twitter every two seconds and post on Facebook 10 times every day.

Do you feel like everyone recommends doing more and more for each new social media outlet that pops up?

Facebook, YouTube, twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Instangram, Tumbler … the list is endless.

You wonder is there a way to successfully market your business online that doesn't involve you constantly active on social media.

Here's my take, you do not need to be on social media 24/7 in order to be effective.

In fact, here are five tips to help you be on social media without having it overwhelm your life.

Tip #1: Realize it is not MUST
Yes I know, there may be social media experts out there that want to shoot me right now.
But the fact is, if you don't want to do it, you don't have to do it.
If you don't like Linked in, kick that linked in out.
When it’s social media, there is nothing MUST.

No one is going to shut you down for not being on Facebook or Twitter.
I agree there can be a lot of benefits to being on social media.
But it's not right for everyone.

Tip #2: Less is More!

Just because everybody says you should be there on 1000 different social media sites does not mean that you should. In fact, I think that's a really bad piece of advice.
What you should do, if you want to be active on social sites, just pick one or two places at the most to have a presence and then happily ignore the rest.

The point is choose the ones you like and have a presence on those only.

People will rather be happy to see you effective on one or two platforms rather than being sucky on a bunch which can turn out to hurt your business more than it helps.

Tip #3: Make a Plan & Schedule.

Decide how active you want to be on a platform and then get yourself organized and create a schedule.
Do you want to post two times a day? Three or four times a day? Do you want to post weekdays or every other day? There is no right answer; just start somewhere and adjust as you go.

Tip #4 : Remember every open channel brings in accountability.
If you do decide to have a presence on social media, you have to remember to monitor all those opened sites because as a business owner, you are accountable.

For example, if a customer reaches out to you with an issue or a complaint and you're off, it’s not good for your business.

Also there is a possibility you may end up in spending a lot more quality time in replying to all comments on multiple platforms.

Tip#5: Go on a PLANNED social media diet

Some people have taken social media diets to rejuvenate.
I've done this myself and I highly recommend it.
This can give you a chance to re-evaluate your priorities and marketing plan.

​Also give people a chance to miss you. They’ll then realize how much value you bring to the community.

But mark the word ‘PLANNED’. You better should inform them you are off for 10 days.

Automation also allows you to go on a Social Media diet without feeling guilty.

The bottom line… Use right social media channel and keep an eye on it, or don't do it at all which again is just fine.
Hope it helps.

Now I would love to hear from you.

Have you ever faced overwhelming situation with social media? If so, how did you crack it?

Leave a comment below.

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I will catch you next time.

Stay Tuned.
Take Care
Sheetal Mulay

P.S. New workshop coming up and it’s called ‘Once Upon A Time’ (OUaT). This time the topic is ‘Sales’.

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