Single Most Important Factor to Turn Your Big Business Idea into a Reality

We all know, a good business idea is must to start any business.

Many say, “Let me get that idea then I will crush it!”
Hold on, it’s not true.

No doubt a good idea boosts your chances but it’s not enough!
There are many examples where good business ideas simply failed!
The point here is that in order to build a successful business, business idea is important but there is something more.

And that single most important factor is a ‘Clear and Established business model’.
Pay special attention to that word, ‘Established’.

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to your business model.
Find people who have done what you want to do and learn the business model inside out before you get going.

Remember there is a big difference between following the model & copying. 
If you are using the similar logo, website or content that’s called copying.
Modelling is studying what strategies they are using, what are their key activities, who are their partners and many more.

Still if you feel,” I want to start a new business with a brand new business model.”
Good luck to you. J
Just know that you may spend a lot more time with trial and error since you won’t have a proven blueprint to learn from and build on.

My point here is, I don’t want you to make the same mistakes that many newbies make.
They take the first impulsive business idea they have and run with it.

They start a website, a Facebook page and spend money on business cards & Facebook ads.
They desperately look for customers everywhere with no sense of direction and no profit making roadmap to follow.

After a few months, they either give up completely or switch to another idea that promises them to make money while they sleep.

But I know, that’s not you.
You’re smarter than them because here’s what you will do.

You’ll study and learn everything you can about your chosen business model before you start! How? Google it Girl!
You’ll read every book or article you can about that kind of business, you’ll get connected to people who are doing it, and succeeding now.

The reason I took this topic because it’s vital that you start think­ing about the framework of business models.

Hushh…that’s a load of work! But it’s vital to have a correct start.
And there is no better time than today, 31st December.
That’s the best way to welcome the New Year of 2016.

Wishing you & your family a prosperous and healthy new year ahead.

Now it’s your turn.
Do you have any problems to define your business model?
Leave a comment below and let me know.

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Thank you so much for reading!
I will catch you next time.

Stay Tuned.
Take Care
Sheetal Mulay

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