People don’t need what you are selling!

Want to know the truth?
The world doesn’t need what you are selling!
Yes! That’s the harsh reality.
They were doing well before you decided to sell your product/service or they will be perfectly fine if you don’t sell anything.

Does that mean you should not sell your product?
No! Absolutely not!

People out there shout ‘Start business to change life & not to earn money’.
I am not saying they are wrong but your product can’t change life of everybody from day one.

It may have higher potential but you must sell it to the right people at the right time.

My first business was homemade gourmet chocolates.
If somebody would have asked me then,” For whom your chocolates are for?”
I would have laughed at him and thought; there is something wrong with that person.
“Hell… anyone on the earth can eat chocolates” Right isn’t it? No…
I was wrong…entirely wrong.

It took me a lot of hard work, time, money and many sleepless nights to realize it.
Now when I ask the same question to my fellow aspiring entrepreneurs,
 “Whom is your product for?”
I get the same common answer, “Everybody”
And I can completely understand. :-)

Trust me; if you get your customer right in the very beginning, it’s going to save you loads of money and time. And yes sleepless nights too.

Don’t create your product/service & then start looking for customers.
In reality, as long as you have a vague idea about WHO is your customer, understand them.
What are their pain areas & what makes them happy?
Then based upon the input create your product/service.

If it solves their exact problem, then “Bingo” you are all set.
When you actually offer your product/service, they will happily buy it.

That’s all for today!

Don’t forget to share it with your friends.

Take Care
Stay Tuned
Sheetal Mulay

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