I will never visit ‘THAT’ spa again!

Few days back, I got a free gift voucher for a newly opened spa which was near to my place.
I decided to visit them on a weekend!

What a pleasant surprise?
The lobby & interiors were fabulous!
A soothing lemon grass air freshener enlightened my mood immediately as I entered!
A smiling girl welcomed me by using my name!
It gave me the feeling as if they were waiting for me!
Every possible minor detail was taken care!

I had been told to wait for some time!

A superb drinks menu was offered which included lemonade, Coke/Pepsi & cold coffee along with some beauty magazine!

Wow! It was perfectly comfortable!
They took me in after 10 minutes.
The place was super clean & service was amazing!

What a relaxing break it was? Loved it!

During my next visit, everything was same except they were having only Pepsi & Coke.
The clothing was not neatly washed!
I was little disappointed but still it was good!

Next time they told my regular massager left the job.

The new one was not good as her!

Drinks were totally missing!

But this time cleanliness was better!

And next time it was some horrible rose air freshener, I started sneezing!

No one took notice that I came in.

Hot tea/coffee for a summer afternoon! I politely said NO!
And then there was no ‘next time’…although I opted for the yearly membership.
Now what went wrong?

They were still the best service providers & pocket friendly Spa in the locality!
I agree! But something made me very uncomfortable!

Every time when I walked in I was having the best picture of my first visit in my mind!
And any deviation from that was making me uncomfortable!

We experience it at many times.

Different preparations for same dish in the restaurant, fabulous actor performing commercial movies or our favourite YouTube channel host doing some ‘just for sake of sending’ type videos …

It happens with us all the times.

For initial days they provide highest service & then it starts dropping.

The Consistent Customer Experience is the key here!

For your business if you don’t want to annoy your customers, then be consistent.

Don’t offer something which you can’t provide over a longer period of time.
If you have committed to send your newsletter every day…better you send it!
Or commit to send it twice a month or weekly.
But never overcommit!
And never compromise on quality & consistency at any cost!

That’s all for today!
Have you ever had your ‘SPA’ kind experience before?
Have you ever promised something & then failed?

Hit comment & let me know!
I am waiting for your reply.

Till then,
Take Care
Stay Tuned
Sheetal Mulay

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