2 Step Formula To Start Your Online Business

The other day, I was attending a workshop, and I had a conversation with two women entrepreneurs there.

It went like this:
Girl #1: "Sheetal, are you on Periscope?"
Me: "No—"
Girl #2: "Uooo! How are you not yet? It’s new & cool. I am using it like anything but I am not on Pinterest yet"
Girl #1: "OMG you aren’t on Pinterest? I am planning to hire a professional to handle all my social media. It’s difficult to keep a track of it all the time you know."
Girl #2: "I heard about him. He is really good. I’m going to do that soon!!"

Spare me!

This was a real conversation.
I pretended to answer my phone, and walked away.

If you want to start and grow an online business, the last thing you need is a professional to handle all your social media.

As a matter of fact, here is a list of things you don't need:

* You don't need a Twitter account (Or any social media account which is draining you).
* You don't need a fancy web design.
* You don't need professional photography.
* You don't need fancy camera equipment.
* You don't need to write that well.
* You don't need highly techie software.

In reality, you need these two step formula,

Step 1: Build Your Audience
Step 2: Sell them your stuff

You don't need to know what you plan on selling yet.

As long as you have a vague idea about WHO you want to help, you can start building an audience of those people TODAY and figure out what to sell later.

The question is, how can you get started?
People worry about things like:

"What software should I use?" or "Should I get business cards?"

And other things that have nothing to do with whether or not you're going to succeed at starting your online business.

But these two steps are truly the only "real" knobs of growth for an online business.
The bigger your audience, I mean right audience, the more revenue you can make.

It's really that simple.

Now the next question is, how do you build that audience?
I believe blogging is one of the best ways to do it.

If you look at some of the top industry experts, they have large blog audiences.

In fact that is how they had become "the expert."

Now the question is, how do you build that blog?
Want to know the best part?

You don't even need to be that great of a writer.

You could also do videos, podcasts or audios.

The type of content doesn't matter. Start with your comfortable format.

What's most important?
You create a piece of content that attracts the right people.

And then sell them your stuff which solves their problem.
I hope it helped!
Now I would love to hear from you.
What is holding you back from starting your online business?

Comment and let me know.

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Thank you so much for reading!
I will catch you next time.

Stay Tuned.
Take Care
Sheetal Mulay

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