How Do You Become an Overnight Success?

Does it ever happen to you?

When you see a story saying, they are making huge profits in only a few short months, an obvious thought that comes to mind, is this a marketing trick or can an online business really grow that fast?
I've read a lot of those overnight success stories and I can completely understand that suspicion.

We live in an over hyped society where girls want to lose weight with no exercise, look great without any effort and want more money in three easy steps, and they want it right now. Oops!!! Hold on!

Want the truth?
Most of us have completely lost touch with what it really takes to be successful.

If you want to be wealthy, influential and an expert in your field, being successful is not easy and it does not happen fast.
You have to earn it. (Yes, Just like Bournville Chocolate. Earn it. )

Here's the thing.
To become successful, it requires hard work.
It is monotonous and boring, but no one ever tells you that.

So let's talk about it; three real truths about overnight success.

Here is truth number one. Overnight success is not common.

Yes, it’s true some people really achieve fast results. But they are rare exceptions.
For the vast majority of us, lasting success takes a lot of time and hard work.
You got to remember, it's a marathon, not a brisk walk.

In the beginning, there are no compliments, no appreciation, hardly any money & no recognition often for years.
Take a look at SRK. He seemingly came out of nowhere because he's all over the place right now, but if you do a little bit of research; you'll see that many have called him an overnight success 20 years in the making.

Yes, sometimes there are breakthrough moments that push someone into the public eye, but those usually come after years of laying a foundation.
Here is truth number two.You're likely not getting the whole story.
Whenever you see a little write-up on a website, or even an article in a magazine about someone's rise to fast success, you got to understand that you're probably not hearing the whole story.

Sometimes the media wants to position a story in a certain way, or it's just because they don't have enough space to tell the whole story.
Let's take an example of someone who recorded huge profits very fast.
What you may not know is that she had a lot of experience in her field prior to starting her business, or maybe she already came with a strong network or maybe she's really an experienced marketing person and she decided to venture in this new business.

What you may not be hearing about is all that hard work she went through before this new profit making business.

No matter what the reason, you've got to remember, chances are you're not hearing the whole story.
Let’s get to the third truth. An Explosive growth can be a recipe for disaster.

I am a strong believer of organic growth.
With technological advantage you can take a high jump overnight.
But you got to be careful.
If you're not prepared, overnight success can take your company down fast.

Think about it; enormous visitors can blow up your website
It can totally stress out your team.
And it can badly blow your customer service.
You can actually destroy your brand if you're not prepared for overnight success.
That kind of fast massive growth requires a strong team, a really solid foundation and an ability to scale, and those things take time and experience to develop
Remember, Slow and steady wins the race.

The only true path to success is take baby steps every day for small daily wins.

Hope it helped.
Now I would love to hear from you.

What's your experience with overnight success? Have you been one or do you know anyone who is?

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Thank you so much for reading this article and I'll catch you next time.
Take Care
Stay Tuned.
Sheetal Mulay

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